What is Generic Cialis?

1. Buy Generic Cialis online comes under the drug name Tadalafil(Tadalista) and is used to treat Erectile Dysfunction.

2. The same drug under the name Adcirca is used to treat Hypertension and prostatic hyperplasia in both men and women.

3. This drug is used to increase the flow of blood that goes into the penis of a person which enables a person to have a proper erection once stimulated sexually.

4. A person with a heart condition needs to go through proper medical advice before starting to take this drug.

5. This drug comes with many adverse side effects and it is essential to get them purchased from legit manufacturers as there are many dupes of this drug available in the market which are known to be extremely fatal if consumed.

Generic Cialis is a brand name for the drug Tadalafil and is known to treat Erectile Dysfunction. It is known to have very similar features to Levitra and Viagra. This drug comes under another brand name known as Adcirca which is known to treat hypertension in a man. This drug is known to increase the flow of blood that goes to the penis of a person while enhancing the erection of a person. This drug needs to be used under medical supervision.

This drug has been approved by the United States in the year 2003 and is used extensively to treat Erectile Dysfunction in a man and in some cases, an Arial hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia. This condition makes the prostate gland of a person bigger which causes a problem in the person while urinating.

Working of Generic Cialis:

This drug is used to treat Erectile Dysfunction in a man and this drug helps the penis of a person with blood. This happens because of dilating of the blood vessels which ultimately increases the flow of blood that reaches the penis of a person. Also, the muscle which allows the blood to flow out contracts which causes a man to have a firm erection.

Sexual stimulation in a man causes THE RELEASE OF Nitric Oxide into the penis of a person which is known to enable the production of cGMP. CGMP is known to control the contraction and dilation of the blood vessels that flow to the penis of a person. There is another substance present in the human body, known as the PDE5. This drug is known to destroy the produced cGMP which then allows the blood to come out of the penis while making it normal-sized again. This substance helps in ending the erection of a person usually after the intercourse. The drug Tadalafil works by stopping PDE5 from reducing the level of cGMP which makes the erection of a person last longer.

The substance PDE5 is also present in the muscles of the arteries which is present in the lungs and that is why it is used as a treatment for Pulmonary Hypertension

Uses of Cialis:

Buy Generic Cialis Online is a yellow-colored tablet that is coated in a film and is almond-shaped medicine. This drug is known to be available in many dosages such as Tadalafil 60mg, 40mg20mg10mg, and 5mg milligrams. This drug can be taken by patients whenever they need to and should not be taken twice a day. This drug requires a person to b sexually aroused for it to work and should be taken half an hour before getting into the sexual activity. The dosage of each patient depends on how he responds to the drug.

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Men who need to be sexually active twice a week can take a daily dosage of about 5mg a day and can even be reduced to 2.5mg depending on the reaction of each student. This drug is recommended for adults who are aged 18 or above.

Side Effects of this Drug:

This drug has many sets of side effects that it comes with. It is important to know these side effects and the precaution that one must take before taking these drugs. Taking these drugs with Nitrate can cause a sudden drop in the blood pressure of the patient which can be fatal. It is therefore important to consult a doctor before taking this drug and the doctor can know about the different interactions of this drug based on the present medication of each person. Nitrates are usually prescribed to people who have heart conditions and people with such conditions should stay away from Tadalafil or at least have a doctor’s consent on the same.

There are certain side effects of this drug that has been reported and in case a person experiences any of them, they need to get a doctor’s consultation on it right away.

a) It makes a person feel Dizzy

b) It causes Nausea

c) It causes a person to feel a certain numbness or tingling in the neck, jaws, and arms.

d) This can sometimes cause Priapism in a man where the erection lasts for more than 4 hours. This condition can cause some serious damage to the penis of a person.

e) It disrupts the flow of blood that goes to the optic nerve of a person which can lead to the sudden loss of vision. This condition is more likely to happen in people who have diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, or some already existing eye problems.

Also, there is a list of people who according to a doctor should not be taking Cialis at all. They are as under:

1. People with angina, it is a heart condition where a person has problems with the rhythm of the heart

2. People with low to high blood pressure

3. People who have had congestive heart failure in the last 6 months

4. People with leukemia, anemia, etc., or any other blood disorder

5. People with Kidney problems

6. People who have stomach ulcers.

7. People who are born with a structurally deformed penis which is also referred to as Peyronie’s disease.

8. People with any health conditions where are not allowed to have sexual intercourse

What is asthma?

How to Prevent Asthma, It is a condition in which the airways of a person starts narrowing down due to the swelling which causes extra production of the mucus. It makes breathing a difficulty which can trigger coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing.

Some people face Asthma on a minor level but some face it chronically and creates a problem on a daily basis for them. This can often be a life-threatening disease for many people.

Asthma cannot be cured but it can always be controlled. It is important for an asthma doctor to work with you so that you can get your signs and symptoms tracked. This will help you in getting control over the symptoms of asthma, making your life better.

Symptoms of Asthma?

Symptoms of asthma can vary from a person to person. There are some people who face asthma symptoms frequently and there are some who face it on a not so frequent basis. Asthma symptoms can be seen when a person is working out, that is when a person becomes extremely vulnerable to asthma symptoms.

Some of the symptoms and signs of Asthma are as under:

  1. Feeling shortness of breath
  2. Feeling trouble while sleeping because of wheezing, short of breath and coughing
  3. Feeling tightness in the chest
  4. Wheezing sound at the time of exhale.
  5. Coughing and excessive wheezing which can be because of virus such as flue and cold.

Signs that the condition of your body is worsening because of asthma:

  1. Getting an asthma attack on a frequent basis
  2. Feeling difficulty in breathing which can be measured with the device that checks the wellness of the lungs of a person
  3. Using inhaler on a daily basis to get quick relief from asthma

In some cases, the asthma symptoms starts getting worse, they are as under:

1. Doing exercise which induces asthma:

This can worsen the situation in times of dry and cold air.

2. Facing occupational asthma:

This type of asthma is triggered due to the chemical fumes, dust or gases present at a certain place. ‘

3. Asthma induced by some allergy:

Sometimes the substance in the air contains certain allergic substances which can induce asthma due to the allergy present in it.

Causes of Asthma:

There has been no specific reason why some people have asthma but it has been studied that both genetic as well as environmental factors contribute to the cause of asthma.

Some of the factors that trigger asthma are as under:

There are various substances which are present in the air that can trigger the symptoms and signs of asthma in a person. This trigger can be different from different people and include things like:

  1. Having respiratory infection such as cold
  2. The airborne substances present such as mites, pollens, dander, and other kinds of gases.
  3. Working out in a way that triggers asthma
  4. Breathing in Cold air
  5. Pollutants in the air that cause smoke
  6. Drugs such as aspirin, beta blockers, naproxen, etc.
  7. Due to certain preservatives that are added to certain beverages and food, including beer, wine, potatoes, etc.
  8. Having a Gastroesophageal reflux disease which is known to trigger the stomach acid into the throat of a person.

Some Risk factors which one must avoid:

There are various factors which can increase your chance of developing asthma. Some of these factors include:

  1. Having a relative with asthma
  2. Having an allergic condition which interferes with asthma such as dermatitis
  3. Being overweight
  4. Smoking
  5. Being a passive smoker
  6. Being constantly exposed to pollution and fumes
  7. Being exposed to triggers such as certain chemicals used in salons or while farming.

How to prevent getting an Asthma attack in the first place:

There is no way prevent the happening of asthma in the first place. There are however some things that can be avoided in order to prevent the occurrence of asthma. They are mentioned below:

1. Following a plan of action for asthma:

There is a proper treatment which needs to be followed, this includes taking certain medications which can help in reducing the symptoms of the attack. Asthma can happen at any time and the only way one can have real control over it is by monitoring the treatment in the planned way. That way, the patient stays more in control of this condition.

2. Get vaccinated for Pneumonia and Influenza:

Getting vaccinated for both Influenza and Pneumonia which can trigger asthma is one step towards preventing asthma.

Getting vaccinated for both Influenza and Pneumonia which can trigger asthma is one step towards How to Prevent Asthma.

3. Staying away from things that trigger asthma:

There are various outdoor allergens which can trigger an asthma attack in a patient. It is wiser to stay away from these things as they can worse the whole asthma situation.

4. Monitor your breathing patterns:

It is important to know yourself and it can only happen once you know and recognize your breathing patterns. This can help one anticipate the attack much before it happens and enables a person to take all the precautionary measure which can with time help a person in preventing them in the first place.

How to get it Diagnosed:

Get physically examined:

In order to strike out some other possible conditions such as having a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, it is important to get physically examined. This can be an interactive session where the symptoms and signs of the person can be tracked out properly.

Tests for the Lung function:

There are various lung function tests which determine the moment of air that goes in and out of a person. These tests may include:

1. Spirometry:

This tests the measure of narrowing down of the bronchial tubes by testing the amount of hair that goes in while breathing deep and how fast can one breathe out the same air.

2. Peak Flow:

It is the speed of air that comes out of a person. Having a lower peak flow is a sign of worsening your asthma and has a probability of getting worse in the coming days.

Get physically examined:

In order to strike out some other possible conditions such as having a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, it is important to get physically examined. This can be an interactive session where the symptoms and signs of the person can be tracked out properly.

Tests for the Lung function:

There are various lung function tests which determines the moment of air that goes in and out of a person. These tests may include:

  1. Spirometry: This tests the measure of narrowing down of the bronchial tubes by testing the amount of hair that goes in while breathing deep and how fast can one breathe out the same air.
  2. Peak Flow: It is the speed of air that comes out of a person. Having a lower peak flow is a sign of worsening your asthma and has a probability of getting worse in the coming days.

Treating Asthma:

There is no treatment to asthma as such but having a prevention regimen incorporated in the lifestyle can help one in controlling their asthma. It is important for people to know and analyse what triggers their asthma. Certain medications are taken to take care of asthma. They are as under:

1. Asthalin Inhaler:

Asthalin Inhaler is anti-inflammatory drugs and needs to be consistently taken in order to be highly functional. These drugs come with a short list of side effects and are considered safe to use even for long term.

2. Singulair Tablet:

Singulair Tablet is known to relieve the symptoms of asthma in about 24 hours. The same medication can also be used by people who have depression, aggression, and suicidal thoughts.

A quick asthma inhaler can be used to subside the symptoms of Asthma right away. But if you are using your long term medication for asthma, an inhaler is not much of use there as there is no need to use the inhaler in the first place. Depending on the number of times you use your inhaler, one needs to adjust for long term medication for Asthma.

The other name of Erectile Dysfunction new Relationship is also impotence. This condition can be devastating for a man as well as his partner. It is extremely important to tackle this problem in a way that it does not harm the relationship of a man with his partner. Admitting to this condition to your partner can be quite embarrassing and it is important to have open communication about such things. A woman with strong self-esteem and less likely to be threatened by the idea of Erectile Dysfunction in her man.

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Erectile Dysfunction is common:

It is important for both men and women to know that Erectile Dysfunction new Relationship not that uncommon at all. Some studies show that around 50% of men experience this condition at some point in their life. This condition has affected around 30 million men in the US and about 140 million men all around the globe.

Despite being common, this condition is still known to be extremely stressful and is ranked number one to cause stress in a
Erectile Dysfunction new relationship. According to research, there are two types of partners found to tackle this kind of problem. One kind accepts the existence of Erectile Dysfunction and the other type denies its existence at all.

How couples around us approach this problem:

There are couples which after they have accepted this condition have full desire to resolve this problem. These people are adamant in fixing Erectile Dysfunction new Relationship altogether and then there is another set of couples who after accepting the problem do not try to even seek treatment for the same. They do not have any intention of fixing the problem in the first place.

The problem is when a couple is constantly avoiding reality. These kinds of couples exist when it comes to Erectile Dysfunction. These couples refuse to discuss the problem and are in constant denial for the same. This can be problematic and can cause distance in a relationship. This is many cases make a woman extremely angry who are then forced to withdraw from a relationship.

If a woman gets angry, it can be because of the sexual frustration faced by her. This can be helped by getting her a marital therapy which can help her in understanding the underlying cause of the anger.

If a woman understands and accepts the problem of Erectile Dysfunction in a partner, this helps them in confronting this problem in a better way and can help them in resolving it in the most effective way.

Two couple being able to talk about this openly can be one step towards it. Two couples not being able to talk about Erectile Dysfunction can be a problem and can even damage a relationship.

It is important to understand both males as well as female’s perspective in order to tackle the situation in a better way. A man should be listened to in his own ways and a woman should be listened to in his own ways. It is not essential for a woman to take responsibility for their partners’ situation but if done is a proper way, it can be helpful for both men and woman to seek the treatment.

Read Next :- How can I improve my erectile dysfunction?

One should expand the definition of sex:

One of the most important treatments Of ED required in order to fix this condition is to physiologically brainwash both the partners to expand their knowledge of sex. It is important for both the partners to fully study and understand Erectile Dysfunction. One should realize that a woman’s response to sex does not always remain the same and can change when she gets old. Same is true for a man. The sexual response of a man keeps on changing. It is important for a woman to not take this condition personally and realize that she can’t do anything about it. There are many women who believe that them being unattractive is the reason his partner is not getting an erection which is not true at all.

Read Next :- Porn-induced erectile dysfunction

One should be open about the definition of sex and should not just confine it to two people having intercourse. There is always more to sex than intercourse. There are many ways of how a couple can satisfy each other such as trying oral stimulation, kissing, stroking, etc. This can allow both the partners to feel each other in a sensual way and satisfy each other despite having an Erectile Dysfunction. A man is capable of having an orgasm without having to get an erection in the first place.

There are couples who don’t even try getting intimate with each other with a fear of getting disappointed in the end. The intimacy between two people if the thought of properly can turn out to be a good sex session for both the partners and can satisfy both of them by the end of it. There are couples who don’t even try such things and end up being even more distant. This can create an unhealthy relationship between them and can any day take a toll on them. It is important for a couple to maintain a sense of intimacy which ultimately brings them closer to each other.

Cialis and Viagra are the two Oral drugs that are used to treat impotency and benign prostatic hyperplasia. They come under a class of drugs known as Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors which includes Avanafil, Vardinafil etc.

Cialis vs Viagra, Penile erection is caused because of the flush of blood into the penis. In a normal condition, sexual stimulation helps in the production of nitric oxide which activates a certain enzyme namely guanylate cyclase. This enzyme is responsible for the erection in men by increasing the flow of blood into the penis.

The mechanism of Cialis vs Viagra work in a way that it prevents an enzyme called PDE-5 which in turn reduces the production of cGMP. This in turn prevents the destruction of cGMP which further helps an erection to last longer and sustain for a longer period of time.

Side effects of Cialis and Viagra

Some of the side effects of Cialis are as under:

Cialis contains an active ingredient known as Tadalafil. Some of the side effects of Cialis are mentioned as under:

  • Having an upset stomach
  • Flushing of the face
  • Headaches
  • Symptoms related to flue
  • Nuasea
  • Diarrhea
  • Low Blood Pressure
  • Having a blurry vision
  • Change in the color
  • Having an abnormal ejaculation


Around 15% of the people who take Viagra experience these side effects. Below mentioned is the list of side effects experienced by people taking Viagra:

  • Having a headache
  • Stomach pain
  • Face Flushing
  • Have congestion in Nose
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Rashes
  • Diarrhea
  • Infection in the Urinary Track
  • Colorblindness

Dosage Prescribed for Cialis Vs Viagra

Dosage for Cialis: The initial recommended dosage for Cialis which contains an active ingredient known as Tadalafil is 10mg and is taken before having sex. Depending on the reaction and response of a human body, its dose can be increased or decreased accordingly. A minimum of 5mg and a maximum of 20mg can be taken by an individual in a day. This drug can be effective for about 36 hours. Individuals that are on other medications which include an increase of blood level should not exceed a dosage of more than 10 mg within 72 hours. It is recommended to have a dosage ranging from 2.5 to 5 mg and should not be taken more than once.

There is no prerequisite of a pre meal before taking these medicines as they do not affect the adsorption of the medicine into the intestine. The dosage of this medicines may keep the medical history of the patient in view as it can affect the kidneys.

Dosage for Viagra:

  • Dosage varying from 25 to 200 mg is recommended an hour before having sex
  • The maximum dosage of Viagra cannot exceed more than 100 mg
  • A man who is over 65 should not consider taking more than 25mg before sexual activities
  • Sildenafil which is an active ingredient of Viagra is orally absorbed within an hour or so and is considered to be maximum as they reach the plasma concentration. But a high in fat meal can affect the rate adsorption of Viagra and can take more time than usual to show its effect.

Interaction of Cialis Vs Viagra

Interaction of Cialis:

The elimination of Tadalafil can be decreased by Sporanox, crixivan, Ketoconazole, Norvir and Erythromycin. These drugs are known to increase the flow of blood. Using Tadalafil at the same time as these drugs require decrease in the level of dosage and should be reduced by 10 mg and if used on a daily basis should be reduced by 2.5mg.

Tadalafil alsoo increases the rate of the heart by decreasing the blood pressure caused by Nitrates.  Nitrates such as Isisorbide dinitrate, mononitrate etc. are used to treat heart pain. Patients who are taking nitrates for their heart condition should avoid taking this drug as there is a risk of heart attack. It is highly advisable to not use Tadalafil with the intake of Nitrates.

Interaction of Viagra:

There is an interaction of Viagra with the blood lowering medicines. It increases the effect of nitrates on these medicines such as isosorbide mononitrate, isosorbide dinitrate, nitroglycerin etc. which are primarily used for treating angina. Patients who have an intake of Nitrates should avoid Viagra.

Viagra should be avoided with drugs that contain PDE5 inhibitors such as Vardenafil, Tadalafil, ketoconazole etc. This can cause the overdose of Viagra in the human body.

Medicine such as Rifampin is known to level of Viagra in the blood and will eventually reduce the effectiveness of the medicine.

Is it safe to use Cialis and Viagra while breastfeeding or while being pregnant?

Case with Cialis: Tadlafil has not been approved for women and should not be taken by women even when they are breastfeeding.

Case with Viagra: There are no negative effect on the baby while taking Viagra. There is no effect in the sperm count or motility of the sperm as such. Though extraction Of Sildenafil has not been found in the breast milk.

Quick comparison between the two:

Both these drugs are PDE5 inhibitors and are used to treat Impotency in men.

There is another brand name for Tadalafil which is called Adcirca.

Some of the commonly seen side effects of these medicines are redness on the skin, stomach pains, headaches, having an upset stomach, sneezing, having problems related to memory, color blindness etc.

Cialis is known to provide effectiveness for a longer period of time while as Viagra is known to last for about 4 to 6 hours.

Both Cialis and Viagra have their own sets of pros and cons and should be intricately studied before going further with one. For the most part, both Cialis as well as Viagra are used widely by men to treat their Erectile Dysfunction. They both have their own set of do’s and dont’s that must be avoided before taking these meds.

How to Remove Erectile Dysfunction Permanently, Men are known to judge themselves really hard especially if their performance is not up to the mark. The fear and stress of not being able to rise to a certain occasion and not performing a certain way sexually can cause nightmares as they often feel defeated and lose of dignity. It is important to remember that one should not be hard on themselves if they suffer from Erectile Dysfunction. One should keep in mind that this condition always comes with treatment and can in some cases be cured without having a global dependency on medicines such as Viagra etc.  There are many ways to prevent Erectile Dysfunction without having to face the side effects of the drugs. They are as under:

Step – How to Remove Erectile Dysfunction Permanently

1. Walking up to two miles in a day in your own shoes

Walking on a daily basis is known to improve the sexual performance of a man. If walking miles can fix the condition of Erectile Dysfunction, men will be willing to walk all the good distance in the world to fix it. Walking, if done regularly boosts the immune system of a man and is used to prevent ED. This also helps obese men to decrease their risk of causing a heart attack and keeps all the heart diseases at bay. Maintaining a slim waistline is a good defense for patients with erectile dysfunction as men with a waist more than 42 waists are 50% more likely to have Erectile Dysfunction. Having a healthy lifestyle maintains a good strategy for preventing Erectile Dysfunction.

2. It is important to get needled:

Acupuncture has been known to become one of the new treatments for people with depression, back pain, and now Erectile Dysfunction. Impotency in most cases is caused by having an under-confident state of mind and is categorized as a mental cause. Acupuncture is placing fine needles on the various parts of their body which in turn releases the stress and pain.  The results pertaining to Acupuncture and how it treats ED is known to be quite positive. Acupuncture in some cases also improves the quality of an erection and restores the quality of sex by 39%.

3. Keep them Kegal Muscles moving?

Moving your pelvis is known to be the most effective exercise when it comes to regaining the erection. Kegel exercises are used to promote sexual health and are known to promote urinary continence. These exercises help in strengthening the bulbocavernosus muscle which is responsible for the girth of the penis, pumping of sperm during ejaculation, and emptying of the urethra after urination.

Doing these exercises twice for three months helps is known to improve erectile dysfunction in men. In addition to this, losing weight, consuming a limited amount of alcohol, and quitting smoking works way better together. It is also advised to not wear tight pants as it increases the chances of Erectile Dysfunction.

4. Consuming some Herbal Viagra:

Herbal Viagra which is also termed red ginseng is used to treat Erectile Dysfunction. It has its roots steamed and dried. The root part of the plant which is also known as ginseng is used as a natural remedy in the form of a supplement. The prerequisite of this plant is that it should have grown for about 5 minimum years.  This herb is taken in a dosage of about 600 to 1000 mg, thrice a day in order to be effective.

5. Taking Amino Acid found in the Body:

There is an amino acid called L-arginine which is present in our body naturally. It helps in the making of nitric oxide which is one of the causes of erection. Nitric Oxide helps in relaxing the blood vessels inside the body which helps in sustaining an erection. It is observed that taking a dosage of 5 grams in a day, orally can be effective if taken continuously for six weeks.

6. Drinking Watermelon Juice:

Taking a cold slice of watermelon can quench thirst as well as hunger in the hot month of summer. Other than that it is also used to improve men with their bedroom fantasies. The amino acid known by the name Citrulline is found in high concentrations of watermelon and is known to improve the blood flow into the penis. People suffering from mild ED show good improvement with their condition. The other name of this fruit is also known as nature’s Viagra and is also easy on the stomach as it does not cause nausea.

Incorporating a healthy diet:

It is important to incorporate a healthy way of living in order to prevent or in some cases cure Erectile Dysfunction. It is important to eat healthily and cut out alcohol from your life in order to improve Erectile Dysfunction. Smoking is also known to be an abomination while treating Erectile Dysfunction as it affects the nervous system which in turn reduces the flow of blood into the penis, hence affecting the erection in men.

Working Out:

Working out is an important factor that helps in fixing Erectile Dysfunction. A human body with a healthy regimen has less chances of getting premature ejaculation or Erectile Dysfunction.

The above-mentioned ways are known to be the most effective remedies in curing Erectile Dysfunction and is known to fix impotency if incorporated into your life

medicines to increase stamina in bed, There is nothing more sensual than a woman during sex who is about to reach climax. It is very important for a man to sustain his erection in order to satisfy his woman. It needs the right stamina and the right state of mind to reach that level.

Time does not matter when it comes to two people having sex. What matters the most is how both the partners satisfy each other in whatever timeline. It is important to build that connection with your partner in order to keep them on track. Your opposite partner with no interest in sex will show less endurance, stamina, and enthusiasm while performing in bed. A woman who loses her libido in bed can be because of premature ejaculation from the partners’ end. Quality sex is a very important part of intimacy when it comes to a relationship. A man worrying about his performance is quite evident from the way he performs and that is why it is equally important for a guy to be stress-free. It’s a major turn-off if you are losing your erection during foreplay or before penetrating in the first place. Focusing on the wrong things at the wrong time can cost a man a bad session of sex.

Pills for Increased stamina in bed

There is no long-lasting solution when it comes to increasing one’s stamina in bed. Medicines recommended for Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation do not have long-term effects. People who take anti-depressants can cause them to face erectile dysfunction. Though there are some drugs available in the market that are known to increase stamina at the time of sex. They are described as under:

1. Kamagra:


Taking 100 mg of Kamagra is known to relax as well as dilate the blood vessels in the body which in turn increases the flow of the blood in a certain part of a body. It is used to treat Erectile Dysfunction and has the additional benefit of increasing stamina in bed the exercising capacity in men. It is taken orally by men and is used to relax the muscles around the penis which in turn increases the flow of blood thus giving them the erection which suffices the entire session of sex.

2. Tadalafil:


This medicine is used to treat impotency in men. This drug is known to increase the flow of blood in the penis which helps a man in getting an erection which he is not normally capable of. This helps with the problem of Erectile Dysfunction in men and is one of the widely used drugs used by people to increase their stamina in bed.

3. Vidalista:


40 mg of Vidalista is commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction. It has the same active ingredient that Cialis has and is known to be effective for about 36 hours. The time frame allows people to mate naturally at any given time of the day. This drug helps in dilating blood vessels in the human body which enables a stronger flow of blood in the human body.

4. Cenforce:


Cenforce is a drug used to cure Erectile Dysfunction and has the same chemical active ingredient as Viagra. The active ingredient named sildenafil citrate is used in many other which comes under the name generic Viagra and has almost the same effect on the condition as Viagra.

5. Fildena:


It is a drug that is based on Sildenafil and is bold purple in color. The reason it comes in the color purple is to make it look as close to Viagra as possible. Although the active Ingredient used in both Viagra as well as Fildena is Sildenafil and as long as the drug is approved by the FDA, it is absolutely safe to use it in place of Viagra (brand-name).

6. Megalis:

Megalis is used to treat the condition Erectile Dysfunction and is used to relax the muscles present inside the wall of the blood. It is used to treat various conditions such as Prostate gland enlargement, pulmonary hypertension, and erectile dysfunction and has proved to be one of the effective and commonly used drugs for the same.

7. Super P Force:


This drug has a combination of two effective as well as safe drugs for treating Erectile Dysfunction. It is a combination of Sildenafil with Depoxetine and is termed as safe and a balanced one. This drug does not because overdosing as it is made into a single entity coming from the same manufacturer.

8. Vilitra:


It is known as one of the agents that work in curing erectile dysfunction. It works by blocking a certain enzyme which is the cause of ED in the first place. There are certain side effects of Vilitra which one should keep in mind and only after weighing the side effects and if one can afford it, they should go further with it. They are as under:

  • Stomach ache
  • Dizziness
  • Pain in the back
  • Runny nose
  • Burning feeling in the heart
  • Nausea
  • Flushing

Performance of the Sexual Drugs For increase stamina in bed?

There are many drugs that are used to cure Erectile Dysfunction and cure impotency. There are many brands that are approved by FDA which are used to cure the condition such as Levitra, Cialis, Viagra, etc. These drugs work by dilating blood vessels which makes it easier for them to achieve an erection for increased stamina in bed.

Abuse of Sexual Performance Drugs:

These drugs are abused when taken in high quantities. There is a certainly recommended dose of a drug that is prescribed by a doctor and it is advisable to not take more than the prescribed amount. Sometimes teenagers and adults can indulge in alcohol which they use to counter the negative effects that it causes on their sex life. This often drops their blood pressure to a dangerously low level. It is thus very important to take a doctor’s prescription very seriously while making use of such medicines for treating Erectile Dysfunction to increase stamina in bed.

Porn-induced Erectile Dysfunction is an inability of a man to achieve a proper erection or in some case to sustain for a period of time which can make a proper sexual intercourse happen. This dysfunction is the most common challenge faced by men and can be very depressing for them. There are many people who on the ground of religion and morals claim pornography to be one of the cause of erectile dysfunction.

Although, the research based on porn-induced erectile dysfunction is mixed while some studies are claiming it to help people with Erectile Dysfunction. ED is known to be one of the most complex disorder as it has more than one aspects to it. ED can be caused because of Physical or Mental components.

What causes Erectile Dysfunction?

There are many factors that can play a role in causing porn induced Eerectile dysfunction in the first place. It can be the body shape of the person, relationship or other similar factors. In many cases, it is known to have not just one cause.

Porn-induced erectile dysfunction caused by Porn is a controversial theory with many theories opposing the same. Some theories believe it to be immoral which makes it more biased than the actual study that takes place in the laboratory. A study shows that porn has a tendency to desensitize the sexual response of a person which causes Erectile Dysfunction. Young people who are facing the disorder of Erectile Dysfunction is known to be caused due to hardcore sex watched by a mass. This, in turn, makes them sensitive towards the other sexual responses. Pornography is known to keep men unsatisfied while having real sex which often makes them anxious during sex. This affects their sexual performance.

Men who are used to watching porn need to have an increased sexual stimulation in order to make them stay erect and feel sensual during the time of sex. This happens to raise the bar for them which is sadly inspired from reel life and not the real one. Pornography is known to have created a virtual reality which makes them feel less aroused by their real life partner.

Sex toys on the other hand has somehow contributed in desensitizing the nerves in the penis which makes it difficult for a man to get an erection as they are used to a rather intense stimulation to feel aroused.

In some cases, pornography is has proved to be the cause of the porn-induced erectile dysfunction but it is highly unlikely to be the only cause for the same. There are many studies that prove otherwise and believe that pornography has nothing to do with causing Erectile Dysfunction.

Erectile Dysfunction and Porn: their relation with each other

There are many differences in the theories which shows a relationship between viewing pornography and Erectile Dysfunction. While some theories suggest pornography to have helped men with erectile dysfunction and making them super sensitive towards their partners. On the other hand, there are theories that say otherwise.

Pornography is known to help men with Erectile Dysfunction in cases where causes are psychological in nature. It is also believed to improve the intercourse with a partner. Study that focuses on the positive side of the pornography in relation to Erectile Dysfunction has been found to be very limited.

The theories that suggest pornography to be one of the causing factor of ED has targeted lucrative industry while having a very little evidence to support the same.

Other factors that cause Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is known to be a very intricate issue and has many facets to it. There are various reasons of why it is caused.

There are many physical ailments which can prevent them from sustaining an erection. Which as a result causes more anxiety thus intensifying the problem. ED is sometimes caused later in life which is known to be the most common cause. This type of ED is referred to as Secondary Erection.

Causes of Secondary Erection are as under:

  1. Having relationship problems can cause ED
  2. Being distressed while being intimate, like having trouble with your body image etc.
  3. Having issues with blood vessels which is a cause of problems related to heart.
  4. Being diabetic
  5. Smoking, as it has a tendency to clog the arteries.
  6. Having prostrate disorder

Health Problems that can cause ED

There are many health problems that can cause Erectile Dysfunction by narrowing blood vessels or in worst case damaging them altogether. Things like these cause trouble in getting a proper erection as it limits the flow of blood into the penis.

Some of the diseases that affect erection in men are listed as under:

  1. High blood pressure
  2. Having diseases related to heart
  3. Having an injured Spinal Cord
  4. Diabetes
  5. Nerve Damage caused by surgery
  6. Having a prostate disorder

There are other mental conditions that can contribute to the same, such as depression. The drugs that are used as anti-depressants make it difficult for them to sustain a proper erection.

Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Men that experience Sexual Dysfunction often feel ashamed to seek out help for the disease which aggravates the problem. This disorder has a physical as well as Physiological aspect to it and need to be addressed together.

The right kind of treatment for a person to receive depends on what actually causes sexual dysfunction in the first place. Treatments followed by men to treat ED are as under:

The right kind of treatment for a person to receive depends on what actually causes sexual dysfunction in the first place. Treatments followed by men to treat ED are as under:

  1. Drugs such as Cialis and Viagra
  2. Change of lifestyle which can remedy heart diseases such as working out as well as diet changes
  3. Using Penis pump to pull blood which helps in achieving erection.
  4. Having a penile replacement
  5. Changing performance based sexual intercourse to pleasure based.
  6. Penile surgery which changes the anatomy of the penis thus addressing the prostate disorder

Generic Sildenafil and Viagra are known to be the most popular drugs available in the market today. Thousands of commercials and jokes have been a result of their popularity but how much do these commercials really tell you about Viagra and Erectile Dysfunction.

There are many things that are often missed out about Generic Viagra. They are as under:

1) There are multiple manufacturers of Generic Viagra throughout

The initial manufacturing of generic Viagra was manufactured by just two companies named Kamagra and Cenforce. However, in December 2017, some companies such as Vidalista and Fildena started producing the same at a much lesser price.

2) The price of this medicine keeps on coming down

Mother companies such as Kamagra and Cenforce priced Sildenafil at 50% of the actual price of the tablet and keeps on dropping it further.

3) There is no difference between Sildenafil and the brand name Viagra

Both Sildenafil and Viagra contain the same active ingredient and is known to have the same effect. Patients are usually concerned about the generic use of Sildenafil which if taken under proper prescription the same impact as branded Viagra. A physical difference can be seen in the two as they go from a little blue pill to a white one.

4) There are dosages of Viagra prescribed for different people

A brand name Viagra has packaged tablets into different dosages such as 25mg, 50mg, and 100 mg.

5) It is known to be one of the most counterfeited drugs in the whole world

The counterfeit of Viagra has been so widespread that companies such as Pfizer have their security forces that raid the entire market and cut down the unregulated Sildenafil from the market. Their specific team is referred to as Cenforce Global Security, and it works with full-fledged law enforcement, wholesalers, pharmacies, etc. to monitor the distribution of such unregulated drugs which then improves surveillance on the counterfeit Viagra.

Having a Global Security team is essential as Kamagra found that 80% of the Viagra sales that claimed to be legit were counterfeits and has a mixture of some dangerous substances such as road paint, rat poison, ink, etc. mixed with the medicine which can be fatal once consumed.

6) Different versions of Sildenafil already exist in the market

Sildenafil is an active ingredient of two common drugs available in the market these days. They are: Viagra and Kamagra and are used for two completely different uses. Kamagra is used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension while Viagra is used by men to treat Erectile Dysfunction.

The version of Sildenafil used for hypertension comes in 20mg tablets while the one which can cure Erectile Dysfunction comes in a dosage of 50 to 100mg.

7) Generic Viagra does have side effects

While there is a massive list of good things that Viagra does to men and their bodies, there is the other side of the coin too. Viagra comes with a bunch of side effects which a person may or may not experience. In a typical scenario side effects such as low blood pressure, headache, indigestion, or an erection lasting than five hours are reported. It is advisable to speak to your physician if anyone experiences any of the side mentioned above effects for a more extended period.

8) There are places where it is available without a medical prescription

Countries like the UK are known to be one of the first countries to sell Viagra without having an actual prescription to buy one. This step is taken by the FDA to reduce the amount of unregulated Viagra sold in the market.

9) There is more to Viagra than just treating Erectile Dysfunction

Viagra was initially developed to treat other diseases such as angina and chest pain which later came up with a bunch of side effects when used to treat chest pain such as increasing amount of erections which then had to approve for treating erectile dysfunction. Because of this, Sildenafil is now also used to treat high blood pressure and hypertension in addition to ED.

10) It is advisable to take certain precautions before taking a dose of Viagra

There are certain lifestyle changes that one needs to ensure for their own safety. Viagra is a sensitive drug and if taken at the wrong circumstances and agitate the body to show some side effects. It is also important to give the exact medical history to your doctor so that the medicine is prescribed to you in a suitable dosage.

11) Generic Viagra is cheaper than Viagra

Generic Viagra is comparatively cheaper than the brand Viagra. Other than that there is no difference between the two. Both of them have the same active ingredient which is also known as Sildenafil.

How does Viagra help in getting an erection?

The cause of erection in men is an increased flow of blood in the penis when sexually aroused. A man can be sexually aroused if stimulated physically or by having sexual thoughts. This causes the muscles to relax which increases the flow of blood into the penis causing an erection.

Having a damaged artery can keep the flood from flowing into the penis hence causing a problem with erection. Viagra is used to relax the muscle around the penis which then enables the flow of the blood from the penile artery, therefore, making an erection possible and successfully lasts for 4-5 hours.

An increase in Age can increase the prevalence of ED. The risk of getting Erectile Dysfunction increases with age and is not said to be inevitable as one grows older. Difficulty in erection does not mean that you may develop Erectile Dysfunction. Health plays a vital role in preventing one from ED. The Common Age of finding to start Erectile Dysfunction after age 40.
What is meant by erectile dysfunction?
Erectile Dysfunction is an inability to get a firm erection to have proper sexual intercourse. It is often referred to as being impotent.

Occasional ED is common and is experienced by men at times when they are under stress. Though having it happen daily should be considered a problem and should be treated medically. The other reasons that can lead to this condition can be emotional and should be addressed to a professional.

ED is known to be one of the sexual problems faced by men and is not the only problem. Other sexual challenges faced by men are:

a) No ejaculation during a climax

b) Premature ejaculation

Symptoms that I Have Erectile Dysfunction?
You may have erectile dysfunction(What Age Does Erectile Dysfunction Start) if you face this daily:

If there is a problem in getting a proper erection at the time of intercourse.
If it is difficult to maintain an erection during sexual activity.
If there is a reduction in your interest in sex
Erectile Dysfunction causes certain disorders. They include:

Ejaculation delay
Premature ejaculation
Inability to achieve climax (orgasm) after an adequate time of stimulation which is termed anorgasmia
All these symptoms if prolonged for a month or two need to be directed to the doctor after which a proper treatment would be given to the patient according to the causes.

What are the causes of Erectile Dysfunction?
There are multiple causes of Erectile Dysfunction(What Age Does Erectile Dysfunction Start) which can be both physical as well as emotional in nature.

Some of the causes of ED are mentioned below:

Damage caused by surgery
Old Age
Disease-related to heart
Physical injury
Anxiety or stress
Having Alcohol
Having problems in a relationship
Use of drugs

One or more of these factors can be the cause of Erectile Dysfunction, and it is essential to determine the object with your doctor before starting to treat it.

What is the cause of an erection?
An erection is caused because of the increased flow of blood in the penis. The cause of the blood flow can be through physical stimulation of the penis or by having sexual thoughts. Sexually excitement caused the muscle in the penis to relax which in turn increases the blood flow in the penile arteries hence causing an erection. The blood fills into the chambers causes the penis to grow rigid which after the erection causes the muscle to contract, thus making the penis grow back into its relaxed shape.

ED can be caused at any of the mentioned stages of forming an erection. A damaged penile artery can keep blood from flowing into the penis directly.

Tests and Diagnoses of Erectile Dysfunction
Diagnosis of ED requires a doctor to know the health history as well as the symptoms of the disease. There are specific tests that one might have to go through to determine the cause of symptoms to be ED. A physical analysis is done, where the patients’ body needs to examine to check the blood pressure, heart rate as well as examining the penis as well as the testicles of the patient. A rectum exam is done which checks the prostate of the person. Some of the medical tests that one needs to undergo to check for ED are mentioned as under:

Nocturnal Penile Tumescence Test (NPT)
Also referred to as NPT, it was done by using a battery-powered device that is portable and is worn around the thigh of a person while they are sleeping. The quality of nocturnal erection examined which stored in the device. The data stored in the invention is later examined by the doctor to better understand the functionality of the penis and the pattern of your ED.

Treatments available for ED
The remedies available for ED depend on what is causing it in the first place. A combination of treatments which includes lifestyle changes, therapy, and medication can help in treating Erectile Dysfunction. Different drugs are prescribed according to the symptoms. One should keep in mind that these medications usually have side effects.

Given below is the list of medications that are used to treat ED:

Some alternative treatments are opted by people to cure ED.

a) Acupuncture: This method is used to treat psychological ED and needs specific settings before any improvements are seen. It is essential to go for a certified practitioner for you to see the actual results.

b) Prostatic Massage: Prostatic Massage can be known as one of the massage therapies taken by men to cure their ED. Tissues around the groin are massaged which promotes the flow of blood into the penis which can slowly but organically fix ED.

c) Going for a complete lifestyle change: Lifestyle plays a vital role in affecting your sex life especially in cases where the symptoms are highly dependent on the lifestyle of a person. Changing a lifestyle to healthy can reverse the condition of ED and is a good option opted by men who swear to stay consistent with the new lifestyle. Some of the lifestyle changes include:

1. Working out daily.

2. Eating Healthy.

3. Maintaining low blood pressure.

4. Cutting down on cigarettes and alcohol.


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